About Me

About Me

Hi, I’m Angela. I was born in Oxford, UK in July 2001 and I have Down’s Syndrome. I lived in Oxford until I was 7 years old. When I was seven my family moved to Rome and when I was twelve we moved again to Malta, where we now live. My mum is Sri Lankan and my dad is Italian. I spend most of my free time writing as it’s a form of relaxation for me. I also love acting and performing arts, and am represented by VisABLE People, UK for acting (http://visablepeople.com/). I created this website hoping that it can inspire others with Down’s Syndrome, to share with the world what we can do.

The proceeds of my last two books from book launches I did at my old school, St Martin’s College (see Press page, https://angelabettoni.net/press/) have gone to the Hands of Hope charity in Sri Lanka (https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Disability-Service/Hands-of-Hope-Colombo-350816275411028/) that helps girls with learning disabilities to get life skills. I was able to visit and chat with some of the students there in December 2017.

Two bookshops in Colombo also sold my books and gave most of the proceeds to the charity,  the Barefoot Bookshop https://www.barefootceylon.com/books/ and Milk Bookstore Café https://www.facebook.com/milkbookstore/. These photos are when I visited the Milk bookstore in 2018 and posed with my books and a display stand about me!

Angela Bettoni’s books at Milk Bookstore Café, Colombo
Visiting Milk Bookstore Café

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